Finished Folds (1—13)
1You may be thinking "like, um EWW! Macaroni on PIZZA???????" But trust me.
2She absolutely believed in the saying "Kill 'em with kindness", but she never thought it would go this far.
23rd grade was a very strange year for my town. It seemed like everyone was expected to scare the living daylights outta me. Joseph did this the most.
1maid or anything, I just think that someone your age outta know how to take care of your socks.
0Now, this blind old bat had a remarkable resemblance to my old aunt Sarifina.
1supposed to conceal me from the other people at the theater, and I really hoped it would work.
2until they got a discount on their dentures. However, absolutely delicious food! 10 out of 10. Would have again.
2get it over with. After I was done, I could cuddle with my cat, Jiggle.
1That's all. I could go back to my family in peace. "Yes" I said. All I could think of was my wife. Unfortunately, I didn't notice a very gay frog climbing up my leg. It bit me.
3stand these rules?" The crazy chef asked me. "Oh, I almost forgot, there's a fourth rule" He sprinted out of the room. The octopus crawled out of its cage. The loudspeaker came on
1of the biscuits I could ever enjoy. Not to mention the appreciation of my fat turtle, Pickle.
3right in my chest. I felt the pain going through my whole body and fell down in pain. After a couple of minutes, I realized that he had only shot me with a glitter bomb; my worst
2You see, I have been afraid of almost everything my entire life. Experiencing new things, dogs, pickles, the color purple, and anything else that has the word "doodle" in it,