Finished Folds (1—19)
2Hurricand Irene is comming to the eastern coast to create havoc, first thing I'd save would be...
2It decesion time and my brain is turning into a big mush, with steam comming out of my ears so I,
3Some one is typing folding story, I wonder what they are going to say next?
1Make a lot of money from students who don't turn in their homework, and...
14. jump on the bed 5.
1Facebook just added "video call", I would talk to...
1Some one left a spider on my book bag, and then I...
1First thing I would do if all of America's financial system broke down or defaulted I would...
2In 2012 the world is said to end on they Mayan Calender (December 21st), I would
6If the world in 2050 is suspected of being so populous, why go to Walmart?
1I'm so bored I should...
4I like pinapples, but jim here says they remind him of the desert. I told him no, pinapples are from the rainforest and he...
2I love music so much I would...
3I was told to make a folding story in school today and just started wondering about...
3If I had cancer and new I was going to die in the next three day's I would...
0If I ran my high school I'd...
2Then she turned around to see that she was still thirsty, so snuck over to her cousins house to get away from the creator and get another refreshin' glass of kool-aid (X 2)
2To friends see eachother at the mall and say hey, "What's up!"
1There was tree with just one last leaf, fall time was comming to an end and surely you will freeze. In the middle of winter you ran out of food and now you must eat.