Finished Folds (1—6)
4serviced the robots. If the 13,000 people were needed to service the bots, why not just have the people do the pprwrk? Perhaps because pprwk is the most boring thing in the world.
2the implications of blank stares from Whole Foods employees w/r/t the killer tomatoes. My world is a conglomeration of Twilight Zone episodes, and no one seems to notice except me
5croak after evening meal. They had never seen her act in any way inconsistent with her demure and incomprehensibly content affect. Ariel's skin even began to turn green that night,
7in the wall safe. Terry went over to the stereo and played 'Purple Haze' at maximum volume. We curled up on the dirty floor together, holding hands and praying.
2smear Anne with negative ads exploiting her time as an exotic dancer. "The media is biased--it's rigged against me!" Jack was furious about his landslide defeat. So he teleported.
9Therapy was a traumatic but enlightening experience for the dogs. Bitsy discovered that much of her anger stemmed from embarrassment of having to wear silly clothes as a pup.