Finished Folds (21—40)
5in rythym began reciting the Boy Scout oath. I knew I was all alone on this one.
1rough flight. Not at all what I needed today. Foreign speaking hijackers, a lady about to give birth, my head is aching, what next?
1"As I jump you pop like kernels in a hot pan of oil. The first one to fall out has to buy the next round." Not a bad idea, we thought. Up and on the trampoline we went, thinking
1have known what to use. Scanning the shelves his eyes caught hold of the "Gold Bond". Remembering his Grampa always
1absolute mess. I should have known better to watch where I was going rather than gawking at
1lobster fisherman off the coast of Maine. Never saw "Moby Dick" but
4Eating four bean salad before a meeting was a very bad idea. She kept going on and on and won't shut up. If I moved
1dropped my watch in the toilet. Not only was it wedged down tight in the U-pipe but
2click my heels and say "supercalifragilisticexpealidocious" and get the hell out.
3the mud mask my old lady smears on her wrinkled face each night. Certainly a fright beyond
2little rugrats below. I hate those kids always playing ball at 7 am on a saturday. Maybe it would be better if
3days when playing the sax and begging for coins in the Underground. Tourists there were unkind. The locals knew
0face the demonic old witch. As she turned, I sneered"Mother, why must you always
3How's that go? Ass in the sand, beer in my hand? Shoot, all's I'm sayin' is all I got is
2"I had to give up my life passion and go into the family business. You know it, you pass by it all the time." "The old
3Kevin Bacon or Chuck Berry were to blame. Theory has it, it was
1robust flavor. Just hits the spot on a night like this. As he pours
1walk the walk and talk the talk. It won't matter who I step on. In the end it is this that matters most. You keep
3Regrets, we all have them. One in particular haunts me day and night. It all stems back to April '82. The wanton urge
0the crowded hallway. Now to find Bob, the nutjob. Idiot stole my skateboard and it was my only