Finished Folds (21—34)
2on a whim stopped this silly rhyming nonsense and tried a little free verse, but it was the worst. So he gave in until the end, but under a psuedonym.
4Monkey. Rog and the C. Monkey took pride in their work at the zoo. They were the best zoo crew any had ever seen, but that all ended when Shirley found where they had fled. What is
4that even with their infinite contacts and resources, they still couldn't control the outrageous amount of violence in their own country.
2with each step Big Bertha took. She glared down at each patron as she strode pass, making a bee line for the couple in the corner. When she got a hold of that cheater
4She opened her eyes and there was only darkness. Where was she? A bright light flicked on, blinding her temporarily. She blinked away the spots in her vision and saw the source
2a joint to calm his nerves. His mother-in-law always made him feel on edge. One day he would get his revenge. One day he would
4so disturbed of the fact that I had to watch the hokie pokie, but glad to know that the G men saved me from embarrassing them with my own rendition of the hokie pokie. But I was
1he took a picture that would forever capture the cuteness of the baby. Then the alien fed it's hunger. After it was satisfactorily full, it set out to find the next item on it's
3regenerate into new stronger cells. This way he could always be the handsome man he saw when looking in the mirror. Unfortunately his old cells were on strike at the moment and
5do we work in the mouth of humans?" Can we not find a more intelligent place to conduct our business? We work in these conditions because we have to, but there has to be a better
3Ever have one of them deja vú moments? Every morning when I wake up it's like that for me. I feel like I've been living the same day over and over for the last three months or so.
4WOW! That was easier than I thought it would be. "Is that all you got?" I mocked the corpse, whose larynx I had just crushed. I heard the sound of the elevator door. I knew it was
10large green pipe. She dodged a turtle, waited for the man-eating plant to disappear back down the pipe, then she dove in and fell to the bottom; where she found her cell phone.
6with the eyes of the morning sun sat behind the counter. She asked for my drink, but her eyes had me in a trance and I could not find my tongue to answer her question. She asked