Finished Folds (21—29)
4this small town where the big city bakeries full of delights are so far away. Here, Girl Scout cookies are fought over, sought after, traded for bumps of cocaine on certain days
3of Marijuana Horticulture and Chong's professor salary merely supplemented what he made as the Pot Botanist. Timmy was stoned on Purple Kush and fixated on how they way his hands
4all she could think of was how she was going into anaphylactic shock because she just wanted to be accepted, be a part of the crowd, one of the people who knew what was going on.
1I can feel my gaze wandering down to her tits as she rambles on in some elementary rhyme about a hippo or a train or whateverthefuck, and I can feel my interest piquing in a way
4how well the clown accessories complimented the Nazi's figure. Hitler's uniform designer missed a calling by designing for soldiers instead of clowns. Shaking away the thought
1fingered the open end of the wrench. It was artfully designed, appreciated even by those who didn't use tools. She hid her slight arousal and handed it to the gentleman across the
1He dabbed cologne down his chest and picked a couple stray gray hairs from around his ears. Salt and pepper could rev some ladies up, but where he was going, he needed to look
5a snort of laughter beside me and an attempt at a joke: "Bituminous? More like bite-me-inous, am I right?" My lab parter, Gary. Idiot. Who could blame my thoughts of murder when
6a good brain-chewing was anything more than a daily task. The children had no zest, no zeal. But with the proper upbringing, a child could feel the same mouthwatering passion for