Finished Folds (21—40)
6crushed it all, raking in the sap into my talons to be slurped at in a storm of rage. Sated, I, bear, amble to the glittering ribbon of water.
4and it followed me with languid slowness, maddening in its unswerving trajectory towards me. I fled, it bounced after, having nothing else to writhe about.
2have to open up my soul to you this quickly, but for you, anything. Just to be with you, to share my innermost thoughts and desires with you, my... wait, who are you again?
4said the chickens in an unprecedented attack against Chickfila. Molotov cocktails, dramatically filled with gin, set the Town aflame. The sheriff, toasted, staggered, a bit crisp.
5by free falling along the forest of sticky pubic hair, counting on them to cushion us at our destination, a fork in the road awaited us, both choices sure to be pungent and moist.
2As a deep empath, Angus' wife suffered greatly as various afflictions visited themselves upon her husband, riveted in horror as he thrashed about amid pustules and protuberances.
7based,preferring to graze in peace while making mules whenever possible.Obstinate herds galloped over all you could imagine,perhaps as a sea of waggling asses from your perspective
3of limps that had unfurled from my folds in my absence from consciousness. I thrashed about and the whole mass got to whipping about in great confusion! My cage burst open, alimp.
4, shrinking into the plot as fantastic convolutions distract you, dear reader, in conflagrations of words and glittering syllables twisting like hummingbird confetti.
5deeper into a mirror maze of virtual reality. He fled from rig to rig, slowly forgetting, in his throes of panic, his body wasting above in the real. In which world did he die?!
3foliage or any available cover, perplexing passer-bys with his twisting and scratching. Then he'd squat until he was comfortable, haul the hose over a forearm, and let loose.
7for the frog legs. You see, I believe in stuffing the basket full before taking it home. Hale and hearty, my fear of blood expunged, stomach full, I set down the road onto my next
4increasing entropy. Funnily enough, when viewed from a far enough distance, entropy resembled a deceptively calm surface, in the way oceans are calm. We return to beginnings.
7of Valerian (told you it wasn't catnip), some of that hard stuff drives them nuts, I had Aunt Valletta's special brownies (these don't have catnip), on the down low.
2and a tide of cool, refreshing ale washed out the valley. You groan at the bilboardand return your attention to bumper after buyer glinting into infinity. You're thirsty.
3having her grate cheese like that was becoming close to standard foreplay. Then she brought out the meat-slicer to take care of the carrots. "Sausage coming up!"
4A dessert approached, at whim of the trade winds. "ohshitohshit,"said the puffy cloud as it swam upwards.On the desert,a nomad experienced slight humidity,then there was only dust.
4the slow, unwitting suicide of his listening apparatusi.In mute,he couldn't fully absorb monstrosityas every inanimate object turned into faces,presumably exhaling groaning horror.
2Did a slight gimble until he caught the light with his eye so it would glint as well. The fellow had convinced Jeff! He invested, there, right there.
1"How about a bite of that candy bar?" you ask. The kid shrugs, hands it over, and continues, " I was saying, the doctors couldn't take it out so metal detectors're a bitch."