The year was 2078, and The Bionic Replica

  • The year was 2078, and The Bionic Replica of Jeb Bush was entering its 7th consecutive term as President of the United States of America and That One Real Nice Part of Asia. Jeb

  • had changed the country dramatically, finally ending the war on drugs, ending poverty all around the world, and eliminated every person with an ill thought to America via execution

  • in public. a new rein is now in the US. the rule of the Iron fist, Magneto's luitenent.

  • When Magneto's Lieutenant "Iron Fist" walked to the White House to claim control of the company and waded directly into a Gay Pride rally.

  • "Is this the gay men or the gay women parade?" Iron Fist wanted to know. Magneto face-palmed, then noticed that Iron Fist wasn't Iron Fist at all, but Iron Will. Minor difference.

  • Wolverina "The Metal Woman" Puckeridge retracted her claws - the Iron Will was dead on the floor like a turgid sausage, yet she could not reconcile with

  • the fact that she had used the word "turgid" in a sentence. "Turgid" had been her pet-name for her pet stoat, whose real name was

  • Stoat. To avoid confusion, though, she just started calling him Turgid Stoat. She tucked Turgid Stoat in her purse for protection. Much better than pepper spray. One dark night,

  • George W Bush jumped out at her in an alley way with a knife. The self defence Turgid Stoat sprang out of her purse and moved into action. George W Bush was

  • not as slow as everyone thought. He found the best point of view, set up his easel and canvas, and dashed off a painting of the lady and stoat that would make Leroy Neiman proud.



  1. SlimWhitman Feb 11 2013 @ 14:59

    Wow. Classic FoldingStory. laughed all the way through. Just one question: Is George W. a bionic replica? ... Perhaps we'll be seeing more of Turgid Stoat.

  2. inatick Feb 11 2013 @ 20:59

    I did not know that smulkandfire had a George Bush avatar or references to Jeb Bush or the president before I added my fold.

  3. PurpleProf Feb 11 2013 @ 21:21

    Someone who is better than I am at starting stories needs to get another one going about Turgid Stoat... and yes, I noticed that magic FS moment of yours, inatick!

  4. inatick Feb 12 2013 @ 00:48

    To be honest it wasn't so magical on my part. It appears most users on FS are American so I thought who would American's most like to be protected from by a Turgid Stoat? George W Bush, with a knife, in a dark alley. I just went for the obvious response and so it wasn't really magic.

  5. jayursus Feb 13 2013 @ 22:30

    God help me, I've helped birth a meme :)

  6. BlastedHeath Feb 13 2013 @ 22:50

    Now see what you've done! ;-) http://foldingstory.com/8it51/

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