FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11limerich was a doozey. George said, "There Once was a tourist from Tacoma..." a crowd gathered, everyone loved a good Limerick Battle
12I had never seen someone squeeze toothpaste from a bottle so effortlessly, but the Hero did it, saving Dona's mourning routine three seconds. There WAS still good in this world.
10I will eat Cornish hens instead,my cats sitting next to me at the dinner table. They don't need forks and knives. Less cleanup on my part.
12ate cards that Darth had saved up from upgrading the Emperor's IT system were all used up and the Empire's credit rating plummeted to one star. Darth took off his helmet and said
14use he was so sick from the pills he had found in the dumpster the night before. "You're a party pooper, Rattus," the other two Rattuses sneered as they swilled the poisoned brew.