FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10ashed in a waning moon's light. "Oh, I forgot to tell you I invited the Moon. She'll be by after she sets." How could God be so thoughtless? "No problem God," I replied.
10I believe there are a few old underdogs, though only a few people know of them. There is Jakob, the Jewish refugee, Souperwoman, Dr.Moodle. Any other FS characters?
10Chad's Postcard Emporium in Laguna Beach. Sure, Chad lacked the savvy and know-how of his uncle Moe in Manhattan, but he had a certain sense. He nearly touched my "cold sore" and
11array of neon colored Care Bears. "Don't worry Mister Cuddles. Everything is going to be just fine."
12I owned an angry computer. It always automatically added curse words to my instant message text, whoever I was sending it to. Alas, I could not afford anything else.