FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11a smaller boulder. and by the by, we know its Hell, but no smoking." Sisyphus fumed at Beelzebub and went back to work. His whole Millennium break was taken up by that review.
12Low budget lightning attack that couldn't even kill a man covered in circuitry. Truly, the Power of the Dark Side suffered at the hands of budget cuts. The Emperor did not dispair
11and once I secured that, the "what"s and "who"s would not mean a thing. Secluded and removed from my past and any strings attached, I'd exist in bliss -- incredulous, arrogant bli
10automatic butt wiper, which will be like a wind-sheild wiper, only for butts. I know this sounds crude, and I'm sorry. But it would be oh so convenient for those busy commutes.
10unknown at first, but soon we saw they carried sabres and red flags emblazoned with a skull surrounded by green concentric circles. Whoever they were, they weren't pseudofishermen.