FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10yoe yoe yoe. Hang on. Who's that? Let me take sniff. Hey hey, wait, your a dog, I'm a human, this is NOT RIGHT." I threw off the V-R helmet, stood, and glared at the proprietor.
10d wherein one folder switches the protagonist's sex, either by mistake or intentionally. Sometimes you get a foreign fold, daring fellow folders to translate or add blind. Another
10she like cat fights. A spray of fairydust caused Wendy to sneeze, dropping the foot of the table on her toe. Tink shot into her dresser through the keyhole & poked holes in Wendy's
11Thinking that, if Popeye gained temporary super-strength from eating spinach, I might gain a superpower from ingesting a common vegetable, I began to eat nothing but lima beans for
10to a shaking angry Queen Whirlpool. "How dare you sleep around with other appliances!" Chief Wala wailed "But her burners made me hot & she really bakes my