FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13(No FoldingStory participants were harmed in the making of this Fold. Special thanks to MoralEnd, without whom none of this would have been necessary.)
10It was true, I was the last great folder. I had just found out that morning that I was rendered sterile in that radioactive crazy life of a fold story facilitator. I hope the next
12Then the head bit my finger. I recoiled in horror. The head's eyes looked into mind. It cackled. "Thought I was dead Jacky-boy?" Then his eyes started swirling in the sockets
11Is this really happening??," she squealed. "Girl, just go! I'll snap a picture of you while you're up there," said Roxy, pushing Ellie upstage.
12However, it wasn't very aesthetically pleasing. But this was the post-Tom Green era, when the aesthetes became as dead as the language that spawned their name, & with them, merit.