FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10roscope, Dr. Destructo tapped on his shoulder. "Mike," he said with a sympathetic sigh, "disco is long dead. And you're in the lab..." The realization that it was no longer 1977
10But my wrath is a swirling fire! / None shall escape from my ire! / ...ooh but that goat IS a beauty… / with horns so fine and haunch so juicy
10large green pipe. She dodged a turtle, waited for the man-eating plant to disappear back down the pipe, then she dove in and fell to the bottom; where she found her cell phone.
10folding story? You can fold once but you never know where you'll end up." "If I pluck an eyebrow will people still notice my nose is crooked?" "Toilet seat: Down or up?"
11limerich was a doozey. George said, "There Once was a tourist from Tacoma..." a crowd gathered, everyone loved a good Limerick Battle