FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Golden Dumpster, a spanking new sexual deviance device that made the Golden Shower look tame. But when the auctioneer pulled back the curtain, the golden turds had been burgled!
12of the situation, having a priest perform an exorcism of the house. He proved useless. The ethereal kittens morphed into a specter of Catwoman & wiled the priest into lashing Turgo
10fuguif! Mjsjshfuguif! Mjsjshfuguif! Mjsjshfu! Mjsjshfu! Mjshmsjmsjmssh!" black smoke began to curl out of her ears & Doris collapsed on the bed. Winston checked her pulse."Uh oh.
12"It matters not," muttered Dr. Kinsey. "Regardless of their orientation, bananas remain nature's ultimate phallic symbol, violating all of its eaters and
13plants. But they can't help turning their faces to the sun sometimes. And that's when James would get them. All of them. Every last Sunflower. BLAM! Right through their seedy heads