FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14Doreene sings "Somewhere over the Swamp Haze". Then Poeleece impound her Huntin Dawg an a Hairycane picks up her shack & drops it in Awz. "We ain't in (Ar)kansas no more Rufus!
10at Kingdom Come Parochial School, and I was having sinful thoughts about her. Joy, to the world, was all light & innocence, which made me want her even more. "Joy!" I called, "
10"Hello, this is Sean Hannity. I'm not here right now. In case of accidental voodoo, please leave a message." I didn't know where to begin. "There was this poisoned pin, and this
11Less luck than his swanky brother, Pster, and remainied unemployed forlornly roaming the streets with his metal detector in hand. Suddenly, an otherworldly ping alerted Peter
11Tired of endless people purposefully wiping smears of dirt and grime on him. Never moving, never seeing the world as his Uncle Stan, the flying carpet, always described it. The rug