FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I entered my apartment and smelled sulfur. Satan had been here, and I was willing to bet he was taking Cheryl out right now. I knew I never should have trusted Satan around my girl
14the game. "Balls are so re-tarred. And any fan knows that balls get a mud bath and massage beforehand." I wondered why the ball was all up in my face. Suddenly it hit me.
10The fact I lived to tell you about it in this folding story is a miracle. It tasted dreadful and I quickly excused myself to throw up. My buddy Gus checked on me and called Dr. X.
10before he went ahead & sniked the humbie right in the scruptum. "Why the folck did you do that?!" I screamed at Fagan. "The humbie fundersnapped my girlfriend last neight!" Fagan
12And the next guy and the next one after that. We can't move on in strength if we don't help each other carry the burden of this story. Remember, the city is no longer what it was.