FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10One night, my dad found a large nest of moths. Instead of using the vacuum cleaner, he got out a blow torch. "You moths like light?" he said. "You'll get some."
14he couldn't help himself. "Big Beautiful baby be blessed." Molly called the police. They informed her alliteration is not a crime & picked her up for filing a false report. She was
11manchus blowing in the breeze. Steve envied Sharon's red-golden fu, the way the light caught it and seemed to dance within it. His own dark black fu was now shot with grey, and
10Lighting the blow torch, he aimed it at the nest. Fwoomp! The moths caught on fire, and I watched as the burnt bodies littered the ground with ash. "That'll teach them," he said.
11Every time Mattie cooked the pancakes, Gill would pretend to eat them then secretly take them back to his workshop, where he was hoarding stacks of them in preparation for the