FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11erse with folding memes. He spoke in tongues of Jhrerek Manatee & the Great Hippo. The FS medics gave Blasted 10cc's of dormant folds, for to drive folders mad is a heroic thing
11the nuns smiled at Jim's face and his distrust for the darkness and silence unfold. The nuns then whispered, in unison:...
11ing Past here to teach you how to be grateful before it's too late" said the turkey carcass.Scrooge scoffed, "If you were at Thanksgiving dinner with *my* relatives, you'd know why
17She brought sad news about the Land Sharks. They had finally retreated, completely, to the Western Oceans and the beach front lifestyle. The price of glogg was expected to follow
36his air valve was covered in lipstick. At last she rose and left her beloved inner tube to lie peacefully. And she promised herself she would never tire again.