FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10up some weenies?" I winked at the mayor but he had been taken in by the governor's dazzling charm. "I want to be Engineer Lotus Scrotum!" he said. At that point, I realized we were
10I still felt like I had found no joy. That was until she walked up. "Hi my name is Joy> I think we're in the same class," she extended her hand. I started so hard I jumped.
11door salesman he never had much luck trying to sell doors to people who obviously already had them. The logic was lost on him, but he sold enough to pay half the rent on a
11It would have been a day like any other day had it not been for the bin lorry crash. Six died in the carnage including a mother and father and their young daughter. Jim thought
12Or this one? "Eleanor Rigby picks up the folds in the church where a wedding has been, lives in a dream, waits at her computer, folding the folds that she keeps in a jar by the doo