FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11" they moaned ironicly. "Good one." I repled unenthusiastically. "Rude!" said the Mrs, Zombie as they shuffled away. I loooked up and shouted at them, "Hey! Your STENCH is rude!"
12. Now pay attention. The total sum of my love for you is the inverse proportion to my love of maths. So, if you took the time to calculate the mean.. where're you going?
11the worst. The gasping goldfish, suffocating snakes, morose monkeys, caterwauling kittens, raving rats, supperating stick insects. They'd all suffered in Nam, God only knew how muc
10his bizarre hobbies. My tabloid editor assigned me to research the rumor that Sir Francis Dashwood was actually an alien chameleon who planned to
10clown-like appearance fooled you, Ouchy! I fooled ALL of you!" Bonzo jumped on his tricycle & peddled as fast as he could toward the border. "Just try & catch me!" Ouchy radioed in