FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15had to lick away the dirt and grime off of himself as if he were a feline. It was the only way to cheat the bathing prohibition. It was disgusting but there was no other option.
11the number of gay or bisexual bananas is much larger than originally thought, and, in addition, the correlation between sexuality and FoldingStory IQ is a function of fruitiness.
12off his ass-of-a-face with Dr. Derriere's reusable toilet tissues {patent pending}. The Captain and the Chairman were squared off for battle when an eruption on Planet Pubis caused
13speckled flycatcher I just saw whizzing by the plane?" I said to the navigator. He looked away and I clocked him atop his head with the fire extinguisher. No more weed for him.
11They're eating her, and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDD!!!!!!!! Why