FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12I owned an angry computer. It always automatically added curse words to my instant message text, whoever I was sending it to. Alas, I could not afford anything else.
10The light was orange, he reached for the door hinge. He leapt with a poor twinge. His hair was now more fringed. He made it out except for a singe. The Endge
12Re-educated in grammar by the Grammar Police, just in time to pass the college entrance exam. She ranked #5 in het class.
11Weewooweewoo... The paramedics shook their heads. "You're totally forked. There's nothing we can do for you. Call a cutler." [later] The cutler shook his head. "43 forks in the ass
14turkey full of mashed potatoes and preheated the oven to 450 degrees fahrenheit. She carefully measured out two cups of flour and handed them to Mr. Butterworth, who was still