FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having a lack of squid and crustaceans to eat and nothing particular to interest me in the ocean, I thought I'd leave the water and
11your mind alone, with your mental contraptions, without even really seeing me. Where I am, you cannot come, but where you are, you can be. Please give it a try.
10--nothing! His iHammer pants weren't getting a signal. Maybe the pants had a virus. Hurtling downward, at 15,000 ft. in the air he suddenly thought of how the pants might save him:
19gigantic doggy nose hairs. I'd never seen anything like it. I could get lost in those nostrils. A giant voice boomed, "Fiiiiido, c'mere here!" Buckets of dog drool splattered
10and they even threw Tampons at it and her, too! "Pipe down!" Insecurity Woman shouted forcefully, "I never said anything about being great! I'm just your everyday, run-of-the-mil