FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10-d into the motel across the street from the tree so he could keep an eye on it for replies. Finally, after three years, an old hippie broad tore the faded paper down and threw it
12ng remorsefully into the fighting ring he'd once been king of, as he pulled decaying rat corpses out of the blocked changing room shower drain. He'd fallen so far.
10The fact I lived to tell you about it in this folding story is a miracle. It tasted dreadful and I quickly excused myself to throw up. My buddy Gus checked on me and called Dr. X.
10Cliff Huxtable had gotten a card game together with Norm & Woody. Only Norm's cell phone kept ringing because Rachel wanted him to bring home some face cream. I ate the last donut.
22Not only that, the protesters carried handmade signs that read: "Free the Balloon Animals", "Balloons Have Feelings Too", "Balloon Is The New Black" and