FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Shuffling my notecards, I could tell this date was bombing quickly. I decided to use the last boomerang left in my arsenal. "Would you be opposed to naming our first kid Vladimir?"
10the tables, spilled six Shirley Temples, and ate the flowering table centerpiece. Like most lizardfolk, Leif was not the best customer, but he loved Rupert's accordion recitals the
11Every time Mattie cooked the pancakes, Gill would pretend to eat them then secretly take them back to his workshop, where he was hoarding stacks of them in preparation for the
10Wikid, the surgeon, peering eagerly into the hollow of my bowels. Dr. Wikid stretched my navel & released, sending a pinball careening around a lung to bounce off the heart & into
14Blackbeard's lost treasure & lie naked together amongst the pearls, knowing our love is even more luminous. 17.) Braid necklaces from lock's of each other's hair. 18.) Climb