FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12The button felt fabric across his face as Jen's fingers pulled him through the hole. He felt himself falling to the floor as she tossed her blouse in a heap. The button thought
10and mooed loudly. "My apologies, ma'am," I said, stepping out of the queue. I didn't have time to wait for the cows to manoeuvre themselves into the tiny bathroom. I squatted down
13They knew the brain was a universe in itself; myriads of neurons in lieu of galaxy clusters. The leading sea monkey bore through the inner ear and was first to reach the cortex.
10. Despite the conflict of interest, Pink Floyd would proceed to review and give advice on Hemp Panties. The SEC started an investigation into potential insider trading by Pink Floy
10, which they saw from the neon sign outside was named “Afterlife Market.” They entered & got pissed. It was the only store in the afterlife, & prices were outrageous. Death sucked.