FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10es of sweat and tears. "What do you mean 'no caffeine'?" A mob of irate customers torched the cafe. Herbal scented smoke and fire enveloped it, leaving behind singed tea bags.
10Jang shrieked upon spotting Yang in the distance, Yang, his long lost brother, Yang, thought lost to the ruddy ciborg haunches of Nortessa.
10"Let us consult the magic orb!" replied the first. "Magic Orb are we necromancers?" replied the second shaking vigourously. "Reply hazy ask again." replied the ball.
10Unfortunately, home faced the world. But I would persevere, on my small floating green moon with its leaping brooks and wildflowers. My hobbit-like cottage nestled in a hollow,
10n angry protest. Dr. Seuss declared, "Sometimes the glory of a story is that it doesn't mean a thing. It's demeaning to suggest meaning in a word without an aim."