FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10the mayer's favorite chihuahua, I decided it had been enough. I took out my Taser DeLuxe A500. It was a brandnew model, issued a week ago and I hadn't had to use it yet. I aimed
13had drowned Mrs. Marmoset beneath his dam. "Damn," said Det. Elk, "if you're right, Beaver has killed 10 animals right under our snouts." "I'm right," Manatee replied, "and I know
10!Put some clothes on! I can't concentrate with you standing there like that." A red hot steel ball imbedded right over my left eye. Blood was everywhere! Staggering, I folded anoth
11day dreamed about leaving this thankess position and soaring over the mountain. He imagined saying goodbye to the door so long to the coat rack. He woke to the sound of the bell.
13But then I started thinking about my 1972 Impala. If I destroyed the future, I'd never get to drive it again! I threw down my utensils. We'd have to take our chances with the ants.