FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10I thought she looked out of place but I couldn't think why. She'd wrapped her skirt around her legs & was humming a tune. It was her hair which was wrong and I realised that she
10ladies began to spin the tassles attached to their nipple pasties. My youngest kid said, "This is much better than the guys undressing at mommy's shows. They only got one twirler."
10running. *Cause when the feeling's right I'm gonna run all night, I'm gonna run to you, Yeah I'm gonna *run rabbit run, dig that hole, forget the sun. And when *at last my love has
10in a pan with hot oil, lemongrass, minced garlic & coconut milk. The old hippie broad ate the paper & suddenly *understood*. She realized that she had to answer the message. She
16scattered across Grandma's lawn so her flowers feel nice and fresh this year when they bloom in the spring. Just clean this up so that