FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11and cheerfully asked him if his liver had grown back again. Prometheus growled at him, claiming Sisyphus asked him the same darn question every night! Sisyphus shrugged, and start
11must have seen my cry for help. Just one? I close my eyes and lean back against the cool glass, contemplating the ultimate futility of life, love, and social media.
10Soon” card. Judd felt his destiny was meaningful writing, like restaurant menus or supermarket flyers. The Hallmark gig had allowed him to save a bit, so with $10.78 in his wallet
13Don't add to this folding story!
10is inversely proportional to imagination; PurpleProf made 16 accounts, one for each Myers-Briggs type, and wrote her own stories. "I surprise me every time," she cackled. Chaz knew