FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10running. *Cause when the feeling's right I'm gonna run all night, I'm gonna run to you, Yeah I'm gonna *run rabbit run, dig that hole, forget the sun. And when *at last my love has
12She leant her forehead against his shoulder then wiped her tear stained face across his shirt. "I don't want this divorce." "We can't have everything we want, we both know that."
10--" "Hold on a sec. By putting those quotes around 'take off your underpants' do you mean not literally take off your underpants, but 'take off your underpants' nudge nudge?"
12Street Sweeper 90210, Street Sweeper Down Under, Street Sweeper Week, Return of the Street Sweeper, A Street Sweeper Strikes Back
34[Dramatic pause] "How about we find out?" [sound of chainsaw, scream, then queue washing machine] "Looks like it does! Hey, I think this design's a winner!" [roll credits]