FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11one of the minor side effects. Anyway three digit green hands with two opposable suction cups & a snorkel was sure to be a hit at the Halloween party. They came in handy at the
11shoulders, followed by a cacophonous din as the cans rolled across the floor banging into the shelves across the aisle. I mumbled and apology then pushed my cart past his
10Wikid, the surgeon, peering eagerly into the hollow of my bowels. Dr. Wikid stretched my navel & released, sending a pinball careening around a lung to bounce off the heart & into
10she like cat fights. A spray of fairydust caused Wendy to sneeze, dropping the foot of the table on her toe. Tink shot into her dresser through the keyhole & poked holes in Wendy's
10nished with a fleeting modicum of enjoyment before my tentacular acquaintance squeaked the final invocation that would collapse all existence. I mustered my sympathy and said,