FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10blatant weakness for hoes, but turned the experience into the selfhelp bestseller, 'Men Who Love Skanky @$$ Hoes Too Much'. Kerching!
11Since I already knew the ending I quickly ran into my apartment, grabbed a lawn chair and a six pack of beer. I settled down in my front lawn and watch as the hero began to help.
10"Mon cher, tu sais que je ne peux pas vous le dire. Mon entreprise est top-secret. C'est pour votre sécurité. Trust me," he replied. She frowned at her date, looking puzzled.
12"Hey Bungalow Bill what did you kill. Bungalow Bill." chirped Squawkers. "It's gonna be a parakeet if you don't shut up" I yelled. I hated Beatles songs, but he just segued into
14This Christmas, I asked myself a very important question: "Has anything about me changed? Why do I still hate the world? And where's the turkey?" But this time, it'll be different.