FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11tion. Unfortunately, his wifi connection stopped in mid-transmission. The result was a Play Doh Clone Golem without a chest. The thing glared up at his master. "Oops."
11paradise. But first, they'd have to get used to the giant carnivorous ferns. The only way to tell a carnivorous fern from one that wasn't was to
12She put her hand over his heart. Then he put his hand over her hand over his heart. Then she put her other hand over his hand over her hand over his heart. Then he put his other
11d throughout the stony labyrinth in which I now found myself trapped. Around which corner would I find the Minotaur? Rumor had it that some of these mazes were infinite. A chill
10wrinkly. Steve ran his fingers through Sharon's fu and gripped tight. His fu was revolving. Then... clattering. A door - SLAM. Their manchus had run away TOGETHER TO NEPAL