FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12I threw the Elmo doll across the room. Sparks flew from his head. "Operators code access granted: Function Menu: A. Subliminal Control B. Surveillance C. Parental Submission
10I was reading in Farmer's Digest the other day about some crackpots out there who think they can milk their chickens! I mean, can you imagine?! What idiots!" Ol' Farmer Jones grabb
10Leonardo DiCaprio himself. I can even touch my tongue to my nose. But no way can I write a college essay. That's why I came to FoldingStory for help. Would you please help me?
11snapping pictures of his bare bum as she chased after him with the skirt of her nun's habit gathered in her fist. His bum appeared online and he became a meme overnight with
11"Is that a smart aleck reference to my testicles?" shouted the squirrel angrily, dropping his cigar, "Yah, they're fuzzy. And I suppose you wanna know how me and my wife do it? She