FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13The shrincken humbie squalled and caterpunked festily. Fagan glomped inwardly & offed his festerbound handy. Thoroughly tanked, Morose teedled & blowdied Fagan's trestlt until
10we attended bingo. B4 was called and I remembered our plan to elope. I couldn't leave yet, because I only needed I22 to win. We were just going have to wait until next week.
13by a veritable storm of neuronal activity. Peter's ennui floated somewhere above his frontal parietal lobe. Peter was having an epileptic seizure.. Fold and Pass flashed rapidly as
19or a new pair of running shoes to out run my parents if the found out that I was knocked up, again. It would help if I wasn't addicted to Professor Drinkingstein's hypnotherapy. He
11Furthermore, let it now be recognized that if you subtract a boatload from a crapton, you're left with somewhere between a smidgen and a chunk. A whole bunch isn't as many as