FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11" they moaned ironicly. "Good one." I repled unenthusiastically. "Rude!" said the Mrs, Zombie as they shuffled away. I loooked up and shouted at them, "Hey! Your STENCH is rude!"
11"Yeah, you probably haven't heard of me. I'm one of those little known superheroes." Insecurity Woman anxiously glanced at the audience and then stared at the floor.
10g pearl onions a giant nose only enhances the sensuality. It can lead to hedonistic mania. 6) Use your thumb nails to squeeze out all the black heads on the nose. 9)
19With stereo speakers booming, it slowed to a crawl and began to follow him. As his pace slowed so did the truck. He tried running and the truck sped up just enough to stay with
13we had food! There were meat and snacks and all kinds of things that would keep has fed for weeks. Suddenly, being lost in the woods wasn't so bad. Not that we were lost, as I was