FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10marveled at its beauty. In the end, it was a well-crafted craft, and it sailed, silent but deadly, to its intended target. No one else saw it coming. But that is another story.
10No one has ever been in an empty room
15nice things! Damn teenagers and their goats, they always have to break things! Next time I see them, I'm
10clown-like appearance fooled you, Ouchy! I fooled ALL of you!" Bonzo jumped on his tricycle & peddled as fast as he could toward the border. "Just try & catch me!" Ouchy radioed in
14butcher's wife." "Wait! This meat came from Jorge's? Get it out! Get it out!" The roast was promptly flung into the gutter. Several bundles of sage were lit and the purging stone