FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Every time Mattie cooked the pancakes, Gill would pretend to eat them then secretly take them back to his workshop, where he was hoarding stacks of them in preparation for the
12think it has something to do with the name "Wayne." It reminds me of that old show, "Wayne's World." You know those two were high on something.
10She had Encyclopedia Britannica. "Who reads these?" I wondered as pulled out letter the 'L.' A soft click, and I was standing in front of a short-wave transmitter. My date's a spy?
11in his pantry. a wailing gobble was heard in the hall, a peck-pecking at his bedchamber & a great turkey carcass waddled in. "What are you?" cried Scrooge? "The Ghost of Thanksgiv
12be safe. It's always best to be safe than sorry. Peter snatched the juicyfruit-flavored condoms from my hand & stormed off. Ungrateful bastard. I don't know why I even try. Next,