FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
19or a new pair of running shoes to out run my parents if the found out that I was knocked up, again. It would help if I wasn't addicted to Professor Drinkingstein's hypnotherapy. He
11The auctioneer attempted to look shocked, but the fate of the golden turds were written across his face. Literally.
15the grate-n-powerfool Gizzard. 'Pears to me dat you could use some hep, too." So the sceerdy lion joined in wid the rest & ambled on down da yeller brick road. When dey came to
11be a dog who plays soccer." Valetta stared at him in burning disbelief. Officer O'Malley slammed his fists against his head again and this time the craziest thing
11alike suffered in the war that ensued. It was bean against bean. Legless legumes were showing up at the hospitals in droves and were fitted with tiny wheelchairs. Widow beans wept