FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10er 180 characters. Neither nudity, the blood dripping from my eye, nor common sense would stop me, and I finished my fold in less than 4 minutes. Then I pushed my life alert button
11the folder. The story in this case is the author, the folder becomes the pen. There is no such thing as virtuosity, or at least there is no need for it anymore. Technology replaces
11would end up a social outcast, accused of breaking rules like a common rebel or at the very least looked down on as someone who couldn't handle their shit. Number! You undid me in
10finance advisors. If you thought you were screwed last time you had a finance advisor because he was an ex-used car salesman then think about the bananas. They have the worst of
10suspicious, then ran out of the bank and down the street to the park, where she disappeared into a crowd of people who all wore parkas and sunglasses. The bank cop that followed