FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Oh Tommy..." gasped Tesla, "You always did like to be... direct". Another moment of silence followed, this one more awkward than the last, before Edison took the upper hand by
11dy. "I hate children," he said. "The way they run around randomly. They're really stupid, they can't talk properly & their writing's rubbish" With that bombshell, our tale ends.
13Any questions? [Pause] Because if you have any questions, turn them into statements, and put them in the next fold. This will reveal something about your brain.
11began to write of forgotten forests, deep bubbling streams, and the mushrooms that grew along them in the dark, warm corners of
10left and then a jump to the right. By doing the Time Warp, Moe would be able to leave the tragic scene. Moe shielded his eyes from the rain and saw shining light in the distance.