FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I had 8 nipples. This apparently satisfied the Minister of Mammography, who checked me off of his list & hurried off. Now, what to do with all these mewling mammelings... I stuffed
13Rattus cracked open a keg and passed cup to Rattus. Rattus shouted "Hey Rattus, Rattus, and Rattus! Come get some brew!" Rattus and Rattus ran over but Rattus turned them away beca
14In the barbeque pit for six hours, until ready to be coated with cheese. The recipe recommended cheddar cheese but there was only gorgonzola. So that's
11made for TV movie. Please welcome the unexceptional Ronna DeMill." "Hi, Dick." "Tell us about your movie, Ronna." "It's called 'Fare to Middling,' about dumpy woman on a dreary bus
11but got nothing. "When did Swedish start being written in hieroglyphs?" I thought to myself as I started looking for a number to call. Was the bed a STRÅLANDE or a ÅFJÄRDEN? Only