FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10-ached the ground. I sent a beacon out to the blancmange planet to send more flan to earth, but they wired back that they had become a celestial frogurt stand. It finally dawned on
15"And even though I'm a big sissy, I don't mind saying the Tin Man's got some major social problems," said the Lion. The Wizard had had enough and wasn't gonna enable them further.
11He had flashbacks to his war years, helping a kitty with mange, a dog with heartworm. While the other vets were going through Agent Orange, he was back at the Pet MASH.
10him later.I had no nerve for a puking butler right now:I just had the interior polished up.Bloody Alfred.Why did I even employ him?I never need his services anyway! I really should
11"Yeah, you probably haven't heard of me. I'm one of those little known superheroes." Insecurity Woman anxiously glanced at the audience and then stared at the floor.