FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12The first mistake was exchanging his burlap scarf with spandex yoga pants & the 2nd was to replace his bed of nails with a three-ply mohair angora camel hair mattress. Dalai Guru
12ography, who declared, "With all those mewling mammelings, by government order I must monitor your mammaries." I lifed my shirt as the Minister of Mammography counted my nipples.
12ng remorsefully into the fighting ring he'd once been king of, as he pulled decaying rat corpses out of the blocked changing room shower drain. He'd fallen so far.
10heard of electricity, but never actually tasted it. But after a few seconds, the disappointing truth occurred to her: electricity tastes just like chicken. Her dinner plans were
10"no, I said parakeet head, not manakete head." Well, what can we do with this then? I handed him the box with the bird head and my sister's tears. The blacksmith thought deeply 4