FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12But it's Wives #5 and #6 I really miss. They never said a word to vex me, although I did have their tongues removed so I guess the credit is due back to me.
12matriculating up the aevinista. Fagan was genuinely beangrafting now, his eyes winkly with fear. The mob shouted "Woolreacher! The cherlust must be brought to chustice!" Fagan spun
10She had Encyclopedia Britannica. "Who reads these?" I wondered as pulled out letter the 'L.' A soft click, and I was standing in front of a short-wave transmitter. My date's a spy?
10treated shabbily by Poseidon, and I saw my opening. I set my mermaid up in a cozy aquarium in my apartment and headed out for an aggressive negotiation with Mr. P. I knew
15a metal control panel. This woman was a robot, as suspected. Women have been extinct for five years now, but we all try and live our lives as normal. A tear rolled down my cheek.