FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10t and it seemed like a constructive enterprise to wander, off-their-heads, along the coastline laughing and making marks and lines on what they would later call a map. "Not worth f
11yet...hobos will still hop trains, kids will still put pennies on the tracks, and some of us will still hear that lonesome whistle blow.
11Bless Me, Father, for I have sinned. I am a confirmed Catholic who strayed from Heaven's straight & Narrow path for a walk thru debauchery's garden: Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll.
12twisted coils around his feet as he crept out of bed for a midnight snack. The ghostly felines pounced and purred after hovering over a bowl of milk. Turgo took charge
13we had food! There were meat and snacks and all kinds of things that would keep has fed for weeks. Suddenly, being lost in the woods wasn't so bad. Not that we were lost, as I was