FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10The Garden of Earthly Delights swayed the travellers with "Primrose of Passions" and "Foxglove of Foolishness." But that night, the Garderer would appear, with a weed whacker.
11but got nothing. "When did Swedish start being written in hieroglyphs?" I thought to myself as I started looking for a number to call. Was the bed a STRÅLANDE or a ÅFJÄRDEN? Only
12Alex Trebek prompted. "Who is a preteen with the hots?!" "That's right Mrs. Squat! And that completes the daily double! And now back to our sponsors." Who thinks these question up?
19out of cardboard and construction paper. She stood them up in various places in her house and pretended they were her BFFs. She made large scrapbooks of their "adventures."
10Running the alpha version of AI software was really a bad idea when you are on a first date with someone from the Mennonite community. Luckily, she