FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Lord, I tried to be good. I prayed real hard. But Debbie McRoberts right shoulder slipped out of her frock on the dance floor and I felt the urge to fornicate override my decency.
11Just a few gulps of pink paint, and an hour or so with the belt sander took care of those little details. Frankie assessed himself in the mirror. Not bad for a monster! The reunion
10USDA dietary standards? What breakfast foods would be "eliminated"? Panic-stricken, he rotary-dialed the governor, Chris Christie, to inform his of the pop-tart incident.
11felt sad and abused. "They shall never intermarry," he whispered to the rose bushes. "I will see them all hanged before then. He hid his favorite shovel under his pillow that night
10That nobody dare to criticise/ The way the Raven flies/ And protects us from evil spirits/ Just as the silent majority won't hear it