FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10a challenging technique of employing hydrophones in a clandestine manner.(Whales are very private in their gas passing habits).In the conspiracy against Enya, Yanni partnered Beano
13in desperate need of a vacation. My class felt his geography-related puns were all Belarus. "Are you Finnish? We're really not India sense of humor," Chad spoke up in frustration.
18know why Dr. Goodfeel sold me the same exact kit last month as a pregnancy test, but I trust his homeopathic expertise enough to fork over the $500 each time without whining. Also,
12R.I.P. SCROOGE, DIED 2014 of Salmonella". "No! No! No!" Scrooge kept screaming at the Turkey Carcass of Thanksgiving Past. "I'll...I'll become a vegan! I'll...I'll donate all of my
12The blacksmith agreed to forge me an axe if I brought him the head of a manakete and a vial of virgin tears. I didn't know of any virgin crybaby manaketes, so this would take time.